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 Hevanet Junk Email Login

Junk Email Message Center

This is 8vanet's Junk email filter and Virus blocking page.

Important: Do not log in here if you are using Email Maniacs to service your @hevanet.com email address or if you have converted to IMAP. In that case, please go to Check Junk Email

Login to your Message Center below. You can examine all your spam, deliver any non-spam messages and adjust your spam detection sensitivity settings.

Full Email Address:


MULTIPLE EMAIL: If you have multiple email addresses under the same account (aliases), you must use the main account to login above.

BUSINESS DOMAIN MEMBERS: If you have a domain, like example.com instead of 8vanet.com you need you need to type in username@example.com where username is NOT the same as your email address and example.com should be your domain. Contact us if you do not know what your username is.

PLAIN TEXT VERSION: Low bandwidth version of our Junk Email Message Center. It is faster and you may like it because it displays things differently.